Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Hey sister, do you still believe in love I wonder?

I've got all my favorite TV-shows written down, so that I'll remember to watch the new episodes online
(dates and everything)
I'm slowly starting to realize that I'm graduating this year
I want beanies in all colors
I kinda wish I had my own camera since I suck at returning my mom's back to her and pretty much always forget to put the memory card back inside
I have my favorite songs on repeat, and still I wonder how I get tired of them so quickly...
(avicii - liar liar is the number one right now)
I'm kinda freaking out about tomorrow, mostly about how I'll feel afterwards. I hate the meds. They always make me feel sick
I do however like being in hospitals. As a kid I used to get so angry if my brother was sick and got to go to the doctor... 
Except for the food. The food just sucks. 
The reason behind the lousy blogging is that I just haven't done anything too exciting. 
Oh, and you know how you want to dye your hair dark after it's gone light - yup, that's me right now... I'll give it a couple more months. 

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