Monday, October 14, 2013

Study, work, travel, fun

I went and did my math exam today and I'm pretty sure it didn't go too well. Once again I had practiced on all the wrong stuff. Party time, excellenteeeeee! Not. Anyways, now I'm just going to hang out at home, study for my psychology AND biology exams on Wednesday and then later on go to work. However, tomorrow's going to be funfunfun! I'm off to Estonia for a day with the girls for some shopping. I'll try not to shop too much and only try to buy the things I actually need.. I mean I know I'll be in shopping paradise in USA, and I'd actually die if I wouldn't have the money to buy anything because I spent it all somewhere else. I'll show you later on today what I will be allowed to buy, but only if I find the items.
Here are the pictures I promised (one day late, but who's counting). Sometimes people hate fall for no reason (me included), it's actually pretty beautiful.

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