Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Small facts funday (Tuesday)

  • A peek into my phone's photo album.. I must say, I used to have a lot more to choose from. Apparently I'm not as keen on taking selfies as I used to be. Growing up perhaps? 
  • On Saturday I proved yet again that I'm a genius when it comes to Disney trivia. Seriously, I know pretty much everything. That's extremely weird isn't it? I also stayed at the club surprisingly late, which I'm pretty proud of, considering I was the DD and had to look at all the dumb people getting wasted. (these people do not include my friends, because they're cool, and nice) 
  • I also lied that I cut my hair, which gave me a lot of compliments and now I'm wondering if I should chop off my rapunzel-ish mane. Thoughts? 
  • I got myself hooked on Once Upon A Time in Wonderland.. Not as good as the real OUT, but it suffices. 
  • I want to travel Europe badly. Especially the Great Britain area. It's something about their accent that fascinates me. 
  • I make killer sweet potato fries. 

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