Tuesday, November 25, 2014

First post on Australian ground

Hey peeps!
Two days have passed, 93 more to go.
I wanted to write about the trip here, but I know y'all are probably more interested in hearing about how Sydney is, so I'll just write about the trip really quickly!!
BTW, I'm writing this on my phone because right now it's 5.30AM and the wi-fi is crap, and only works when there aren't that many people trying to use it. Also I don't want to wake up my roomies by climbing down the bunkbed and fetching my computer.
So the trip was long. Like really long. My ankles got swollen and it literally looked like I had the feet of an old lady. Not attractive.
Finnair was a positive surprise. I slept through the whole trip to Singapore, so even if there was anything to complain about, I wouldn't know.  
The airport in Singapore was confusing. It looked very nice, but all their water was in room temperature, which is gross.
Qantas airlines was awesome!!! Definitely a satisfied customer. Their food was ridiculously good and they had Frozen as an option in the movie selection, which I thought was hilarious. I also watched Maleficient and that new movie with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore? 
The whole custom process was long and tiresome when I landed in Sydney. Even though the customs in the States are much more strict, it takes less time then the one in Australia. 
Also don't bring any food to Australia. I didn't, but the ones that did had to go through another custom, so I'd say that there really isn't anything that important you would need to bring to endure all those customs.

Sydney is beautiful with its big buildings and gorgeous parks. I have not seen much besides the trip from the hostel to the school, but I'm liking everything so far.
The hostel is nice enough. It has a huge kitchen and hangout area, which is nice. I share a room with 8 other girls from EBS and they're all really nice. We're 34 students and 17 of them are from Sweden?! 
We share the showers with the guys, but it's not as strange as it sounds, since we have separate cubicles, and you're able to lock each cubicle. 
I'll try to write as often as I can, but it all depends on if my phone/computer will be able to connect to the wifi! 
Hope you all continue reading, even if I won't be writing everyday. The next post will be more about the school! 

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