Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Wohooooo! It's raining and the sky is grey, but I still believe that the sky will clear up for the night. Besides a little rain doesn't hurt.
I'll talk to y'all more tomorrow! Now I'm off for some dindin with the fambam. (I'm totally getting hooked on all these words I learn from my friends on instagram)
Oh, and of course since it's a special evening I'm going to post a blurry picture and a picture with the always wonderful duckface.

Monday, April 29, 2013

6. Best compliment you've gotten vs. something not so nice someone has said of you

The best compliment I've ever gotten:Well I don't know if it is the absolutebest one I've ever gotten, but this one night when I was out with my teammates, a friend to one of my teammates just randomly told me how beautiful I was. It doesn't seem like much, but it really made me feel good about myself. Small things like that can lighten up someones night, so remember to give compliments!! Especially when you really mean them.

Something not so nice: Well I get that a lot. Jk, no I don't. Well I think all the most hurtful stuff I've been told has had something to do with my weight... That's the number one thing I've never liked about myself, and still have some issues with. So if someone really wants to hurt my feelings, they're probably going to nail it if they call me fat.
When I was younger I was way more confident. I remember punching a boy in our class when I was 7 because he said my overalls were ugly and made me look fat. If someone told me that today I'd probably start crying. Sometimes  I envy that 7year old me, not that I think punching people in the face is the right solution.

Today I had the most stressful day at work. I've really had anything to do with babies, like the ones that are about to crawl and today I had two of them!! One of them started crying which made another kid cry and it was an awful chain reaction that was almost impossible to stop, BUT I did it so I'm extremely proud of myself!!
Now I'm just waiting for Tiia to get her butt over here because we're going to watch a basketball game. I also need to bake two ham-pies for tomorrow's vappu festivities at school! Yay, vappu! Hopefully it won't rain too much, but I'm sure I'm going to have a lot fun. Oh for those who have no idea what vappu is, here's an explanation from wikipedia (I'm clever I know):
IFinland, Walpurgis day (Vappu) is one of the four biggest holidays along with Christmas Eve,New Year's Eve, and Midsummer (Juhannus). Walpurgis witnesses the biggest carnival-style festival held in the streets of Finland's towns and cities. The celebration, which begins on the evening of 30 April and continues to 1 May, typically centres on copious consumption of sima,sparkling wine and other alcoholic beverages. Student traditions, particularly those of the engineering students, are one of the main characteristics of Vappu. Since the end of the 19th century, this traditional upper-class feast has been appropriated by university students. Manylukio (university-preparatory high school) alumni (who are thus traditionally assumed to be university bound), wear a cap. One tradition is to drink sima, a home-made low-alcohol mead, along with freshly cooked funnel cakes.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday thoughts

This exhausted girl is about to fall asleep. Sorry for not blogging. I just don't know what to blog about. Help is required. Thank you, haha.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Day 4&5

I'm too tired to take any pictures of what I bought... Unfortunately we didn't find a dress for Sofie, but we did have a fun time!!

4. Best present received vs. worst present received
Hmm.... The best present I've ever received... Since I have gotten so many amazing presents I'll just pick the funniest one I've ever gotten which is the aquarium my American sissy got me for my last birthday! I actually kinda liked having fish. Especially since mine got to live in a pineapple (under the sea). 

The worst present I've ever gotten... Well this one is easy!!! I think I turned 7 or 8 and my brother gave me a present that was wrapped in paper..... Well inside the paper I found hair crunches. That would have been an OK present, IF it wouldn't have been two of my own crunches that he had found laying on the floor........ I mean there was still my hair on the crunches. Worst.present.ever. Haha. You can imagine how happy I was after I'd opened the present. 

5. Happiest memory vs. saddest memory
Top 5 happiest memories:
  1. When I landed at the airport in SA and got to meet my family #2(Also the most nervous memory I have) 
  2. At my going away party when Jasmin sang a song for me. It was Hurts - Stay. All in all that whole night was amazing.
  3. Having all my best friends sing me happy birthday on my 19th birthday... that was pretty special
  4. Standing up on a surf board and get to ride the wave!!!!!!!!!!! Probably my number one memory
  5. Winning AREA last year with my American dream team! 
Plus a million, million more!!!!!!!!! 

Top 2 saddest memories:
Just to keep this post happy and not sad!!
  1. When my Fammo (grandma) died when I was 10 I think?? She was my best friend and that was the first time I cried at a funeral and I've been to a few. A part of me was happy that she finally wasn't suffering anymore, but a part of me just didn't want to let her go. She was and is still one of the most special people influencing my life. I also think that was the first time I saw my dad and Faffa cry. 
  2. When I had to leave TX. I mean I don't think I've ever cried for that long..... I cried when I left, I cried the whole flight from SA to Dallas and almost the whole flight from Dallas to London... I also started crying when we were almost in Finland. I guess it was just me being scared that I would never go back and I guess a part of me still is scared. That year just meant a whole lot for me on so many levels that I only think other exchange students can relate to, if they can. 
I thought that was going to be harder, trying to pick which memories to chose, but they pretty much popped up in my head just like that. Tomorrow I'm going to visit one of my oldest friends, yay I'm so excited! I also need to read a stupid book and write some paper about it. So not excited about that. 

One day roadtrip

Good morning!! I fell asleep at 8.30 last night so that's the reason for not blogging. My mom and I went shopping so I'll show you what I bought later.
I'm about to get the day's workout out of the way with yet another pass of body combat. I'm getting addicted to it. After that Sofie and I are going to drive to Idea Park which is one of the biggest malls in Finland. We're trying to find her a graduation dress. I'm not supposed to shop, but I'll probably end up buying something.......
Have a great Saturday! 💞

Thursday, April 25, 2013

3. What you wanted to be when you grow up and what you're doing now (e.g. summerjob)

When I was little I wanted to be a doctor. We used to play doctor and patient with my cousins at our grandma's and I liked taking care of people. Soon enough when high school started I realized that I would never be able to like the subjects like chemistry or biology and I'm not very good at math, so that sorta crushed my dreams. It's ok though, I've found new dreams that include stuff I'm actually interested in studying.

Currently I'm working at a gym called Elixia. I look after kids aged 0-10. I really like my job! The kids are super cute and they always make me laugh with their stories. Besides I never had younger siblings (yeah, my baby brother never counted as a baby....) or cousins, so I never get tired with little kids. We'll see after a month or so... Right now I'm happy though. I'm also currently cleaning this bar twice a week. I've done it since 2010 I think, so the job doesn't really bring any surprises. It takes about 2h to clean the place and then I get to do what I want. It's an easy way to make money, but sometimes it's not my favorite thing to wake up at 7 in the morning and clean someones puke from the bathroom. It's good in the way were my salary is good and I get to be by myself (I like to concentrate on cleaning on my own).

I think too much

Warning. One of those Anna's gone crazy thinking about the circle of life and all of that.... So beware. It probably doesn't make sense. I just needed to clear my head. 

So today in class we got this project that we have to do. We have to write a biography of someone and it has to be in a positive way (duhh). My partner in crime is this boy who's two years younger then me and I've always known who he is, but never anything more. It should be interesting to get to know him. I just feel sorry for him for having to write about me because I'm honestly one of the most difficult persons in history of everything. I'm up and down and I guess I'm like a thunderstorm with new dreams and ideas flying around in my head. I think some things through a million times over, but some things I just blurt out without thinking too much about it. I'm an honest person, sometimes too straightforward with the things I say and I've tried to get better at it. Some things just aren't supposed to be said just like that and I think I've gotten better at it, but I'm a work in progress. Nobody's perfect. We all make mistakes, but it's the choices we decide to make after the mistake that counts. And some mistakes can't be forgotten and I totally understand that.... There are things that I've forgiven, but can't forget. This project is interesting in a way because you're supposed to write about the person you get to know, not the person other people have described.
Anyways,  like I said I'm pretty weird. I want to see the world, but I'm still not the best person with that whole 'go with the flow' thing. I get stressed out if I haven't planned my day and what I need to do, and everything has to have a meaning. Like when we have our relaxation moments in class, I just can't do it. I start thinking about all the things I should've done and all the things that I perhaps didn't do right. I'm a nutcase. One minute I want to live on the beaches in Hawaii or Tahiti and surf all day long and another day I want to be a very busy, successful business woman that makes a lot of money and basically runs the world. What I have told y'all before is that I do think there are places that I need to see before I settle down. I mean I can't know what I really want until I sorta get to do it all. Finland is a great country, but I don't necessarily think it's the only option for me.
There are so many things I want to learn how to do like at the moment I really want to learn how to stand on my hands. I also want to learn how to cook, I mean I know how to make some foods, but I want to learn more and become better.
So to kinda wrap this whole THIS IS ME-post I could say that what's great about life is that it's like a puzzle, and in order to get all the puzzles to fit you need to live a little. Your puzzle is going to remain pretty easy if you just do the things that come naturally. Everyday should somehow challenge you and that's how you make the puzzle harder and smaller. Every piece is unique and every piece describes you and what you've accomplished, and that is going to be one beautiful puzzle.
With that said, today's challenge is going to be this nike workout I never seem to finish.
Sorry for the super cheesy post. Something different for a change.

Inspiration pictures from weheartit

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

'cause I believe in you and in everything you do

Just came home from yet another body combat - class and the weird thing is that I feel like it gets harder and harder each time. Today was really bad.... All the food I'd eaten (and I ate 2,5h before the class) was coming up and I felt so gross, but I just tried to push the gross feeling away and workout even harder. 
Now I have to do some homework. BTW, we found out our themes for next year 
0when I finally get to call myself a senior) and I'm sooooo excited already! Can't wait until it really starts next fall with all the theme days and fun stuff ahead, of course there's the bad part with the final exams, but it's just one step closer to really becoming your own person and grown-up. :):):) Today I'm feeling like this, but just wait and see and I'll write about how freaked out I am by the fact that I'm growing up, and how much I still wish I was 16 without a care in the world. 

Tiia and I at 16 vs. 18...... we were definitely such babies

2. A pretty picture of you vs an unflattering picture of you

Since I can only think about the 19 more days I have to wait until I get to go to Malaga, I'm going to post 1 unflattering and one pretty picture of me from Rhodes. They're both from from the same place.

Hmm..... I can't believe I'm actually posting that picture. Lol

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Love & Basketball

So since I wasn't able to play, I got to take pictures of my team playing, which is my second favorite thing to do! My camera's object could be better so at some point I'm gonna get myself one that's suited for sports (and other similar situations). Anywayyyyyyys, here's the ones I thought were sorta cool.

When you try your best, but you don't succeed

After traveling for 16hours on a train, I wish I could tell you that the outcome would have been positive, but sometimes things just have a way of not going the way you'd like them too... We lost the game by 5 points which is barely nothing. I wish I could blame it all on the refs, but we just weren't good enough this time. Of course things could have gone different, but saying the 'buts' won't make you feel any better. So most likely no 1st division for us next year. At least we now know that it's possible for us. Next year we'll make it.  I'm just sad the season ended. What am I supposed to do now?? It always takes me a few weeks to get used to the fact that I won't be playing for real until the fall.... If I will. (Jk, I already promised I wouldn't quit)
Otherwise I would say that the trip wasn't a total waste. We had a lot of fun at the hotel (almost to the point where you were unconscious). I'm not sure if I'm allowed to add those pictures though, so I'll have to wait and ask my friends.

They were making fun of the outfit of the day thing so here's my best pose of the outfit of the day.....
//Leather Jacket - Esprit // Shirt - no idea // Jeans - Vero Moda // Sunglasses - Ray-Ban // Scarf - H&M? // Banana- Valintatalo// 

En Apa som liknar dig


1.First Youtube-video you ever saw vs. Most recent Youtube-video you saw
2. A pretty picture of you vs an unflattering picture of you
3. What you wanted to be when you grow up and what you're doing now (e.g. summerjob)
4. Best present received vs. worst present received
5. Happiest memory vs. saddest memory
6. Best compliment you've gotten vs. something not so nice someone has said of you
7. Your favorite piece of clothing when you were younger vs. your favorite now
8. Last time you laughed so that your stomach hurt vs. last time you cried (and why)
9. List your 10 most played songs on your IPod
10. A celebrity you admire vs. a celebrity you hate!

Since I'm pretty much out of ideas what to write about, (not really, but I like these challenges) I thought it would be fun for y'all to know a bit more about me.

1.First Youtube-video you ever saw vs. Most recent Youtube-video you saw
Man this is old, but I'm pretty sure this was one of the first ones I saw.. 

This is actually one of the first ones I saw as well, but it is also the most recent one. 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Sometimes it looks good, but tastes...

...not that good.

19.4 aka. our Thanksgiving

Soooooo yesterday I ate the most delicious pizzas! Yummyyyyyy. We were a bunch a bunch of girls, we all brought a lot of different ingredients, and made some of the weirdest pizzas, but in the end they all tasted pretty good. And when we were planning this on facebook, we were all pretty thankful for pizza, so we decided to make this an annual thing - our very own Thanksgiving (to pizza). In Finland we don't celebrate Thanksgiving, that's why we thought we needed a day to be thankful.
Btw, I'm extremely thankful to have such amazing friends to share some amazing pizza. They're all sisters from other misters. ❤  (M are you happy now?)


Now I'm gonna drive my but to the gym for some body combat and then we're leaving for Joensuu! Wish us luck! 
P.S. I won't be blogging until maybe Sunday night. P.P.S. I'm also bringing my camera, but I doubt I'll be taking any pictures. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Presents and changed plans

This week has gone by so fast. I can't believe it's Friday already. Jessi came home on Wednesday and it was so good having her back here! I've definitely missed her..
I was going to go to that school party tonight, but I changed my plans. We're leaving pretty early tomorrow to Joensuu and so I didn't really feel like staying late at some party. Instead I'm going to Tiia's and we're making pizza! :) YAY
Now I need to take a nap before practice so that I won't fall asleep.

Hihi, thank you Jessi for my new body mist from VS. Now I get to smell like candy :) 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

La lu la lu la lu la

Heeey peeps! Today was a good day with all its craziness. Work was fun and I met the cutest little boy (he might become my favorite - shh, I'm not supposed to have any). Sorry for the late blogging and really poor blogging for that matter. I'm just swamped with stuff and I can't wait for Spain..... Only 25 more days!!! Yippie

Oh, and today is a very special daaaaay. My lovely friend Jasmin turns 19! Happy birthday love! Jasmin is one of those friends that I can always count on even if they're not always present. She means the world to me and I'm lucky to have her as a friend. Don't know what I'd do without ya kiddo! Happy birthday! BIG LOVE xx

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I'm gonna be an optimist about this

Today was a good day because:

  1. The sun was shining again
  2. I think my math test went Ok 
  3. I really think I like my new job! Especially the co-workers. Haha
  4. I realized that after tomorrow I won't have to stress (for a week at least. )
  5. I took an awesome nap (the little things do matter) 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Not all days are succesful

You know what is so strange to me? Why some people are capable of doing the awful things they do. Like this bombing situation at the Boston marathon. I mean why??? They're innocent people trying to achieve their goals and dreams and aspire to be something good. Why would you set bombs at the finish line and see their happy faces turn into horror.
I read a story about a man who was waiting on his girlfriend to cross the finish line so that he could propose to her... she died before he was able to. There was even a picture of him laying on the ground hugging his dead girlfriend, and that was one of the saddest things I've seen in a long time.
That made me want to write about the incident. I just don't get why all the violence is so necessary. We're all humanbeings wheter or not we share the same nationality or skincolor. We all have our hopes and dreams and we all deserve to be able to make them come true. We should realize this before it's too late, and there is no world worth saving.
With that said I'm going to get it in my head how lucky I am to be healthy and alive to do the things I want to do, and how much I appreciate the fact that Finland isn't the number one place to bomb.
My thoughts and prayers go to Boston.

Sorry about the really depressing and sad post, I just needed to show my support in some way! And how I feel about all of that kind of crap. Whether it's a group of people or one person. Killing is just wrong.


I do not want to do math anymore, but I know I have to.
I'm a poor loser, I always get mad. I used to be even worse at losing though. 
I love the feeling of being sore after a workout. Then I know that I've really done something
I'm not sure if I like freckles on me or not. 
My eyes are weird. They're not green and they're not blue. Something in the middle. 
I'm nervous about my first workday tomorrow. I hope I do well...
With that said, I'm nervous about the math test tomorrow as well. 

Happy times
Obviously my conscious is telling me to return to my math book because I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that I shouldn't be here writing about math, I should be studying for it. I'll probably post something after my practice... We'll see. 
P.S. yayayayayayy I'll see Jessi tomorrow! She's been to Dubai for 10 days. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

I see you smiling at the unknown

First of all can I just say how exhausted I am..... From school, to studying math, to practice, to body combat. So tired! This week is going to be super busy. I have my math test on Wednesday and my first shift at Elixia!! So excited. Friday we have another one of our school's parties, the theme this time is Elementary disco. When we were younger we always had discos, where they sold popcorn and candy and you had competitions like limbo and slow dancing. Super fun! SOoooo we're going to relive those moments on Friday. I'm pretty excited.
This weekend I'll be going to a basketball game to Joensuu which is located 8h northeast from Turku. Our women's team is trying to get from the second division to the 1st. I'm not playing because of my stupid hand.... I mean practice went OK, but knowing me I'd probably mess it up on Sunday. Not that I'm scared of that, but I think it's better to just be there looking after my girls and cheering them on. In the end that is definitely what I'm best at!

BTW, i bought this really cute lipstick from Wiklund the other day from Isadora and I think the color is perfect! Sorry for the poor light, but it was raining outside and I didn't feel like being photographed out there. It's more coral than what the picture shows.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

I do agree

3 disney movies and a bunch of not-what-I-was-supposed-to-eat pretty much sums up my Sunday.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Crazy Days

Okay so first of all, every fall and spring Stockman (it's like Nordstrom's) has this huge sale called crazy days. The prices aren't really that low, but the people go absolutely insane when something is a bit cheaper. Anyway I don't usually buy anything from there, but last week when I checked what was the offers for Thursday I saw these really cute Nike's running pants and I needed another pair so I though why not.
So Thursday morning I woke up early and went there before it opened and the whole place was already crowded. I was certain they were all after something else but little did I know when they all ran to the same item I wanted and grabbed 5pair each to try on. Poor me ended up with an XL, but I wasn't going to give up so I waited 45minutes outside the changing room and asked every girl if they had an extra size M and finally this girl said she did!!!!!! So yay, I got my pants and decided that I'm never going there again.

P.S. I just booked a one week trip to Spain in May with Nelli!! 

Friday, April 12, 2013


So my blog has some issues. I'm having problems adding pictures and I got so frustrated that I just decided to blog from my phone instead. I'll try to post the other ones tomorrow in case it would work!
Tonight was so much fun! I got to see my best friend and some of my other girlfriends that I haven't been able to hang out with for ages! So I was so excited!! I'm glad to hear that the girls had an amazing trip to Malesia and most importantly that they are home safe and sound!!

Thursday, April 11, 2013


I have had the longest day.... School from 8-3.30. Now I have to do my homework and fix some stuff. Sooooo this is just gonna be a really short post. I do have a lot of stuff to show y'all that I have bought. Like my new running tights that I had to literally fight for this morning... More about that when I have the time to write.
Btw, not being able to workout really doesn't suit me very well. I'm tired and moody and I miss my teammates and running around after the ball and just being active. My hand is looking sorta dead like today. BUT it is definitely getting better and swelling has gone down a lot so I'm feeling hopeful that I'll be able to start practice again on Monday. I know it's just a week, but when you've been doing it all year every day, even 2 days without doing anything is extremely hard.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I just came home from a power walk with my Dad. Or it was more like me sprinting because my Dad takes so much longer steps than me with my short legs. Haha, it was fun though and the weather is beautiful. I'm hoping that the spring is back on track and that all that snow on Sunday was just mother nature's way to tease us.
Oh, btw my internet wasn't working last night so I couldn't inform y'all of how it went.
So after 2 hours of sitting at the doctor yesterday, I can happily say that I got away with a scare. No fractures or broken bones...... which means that I don't have to get a cast!! The bad news are that I'm not able to practice or workout for the rest of the week. :(
I'm so tired after the movie on Monday . We went and watched mama and it was seriously one of the freakiest movies I've seen in awhile. I had to put my hand on my mouth because I didn't want to scream (and I did do better than Elli) Haha! The ending ruined the movie though. Horror movies should leave you scared to go to sleep at night, but I wasn't at all because of the sucky ending. Why is it that horror movies always suck because of the ending? The directors should really come up with better endings. Lame.

Not the happiest girl, haha! 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Haha, I just signed a contract for my new job! Wohoo!! I'm going to work at a gym as a babysitter for the kids the parents bring there while they go and workout. I love kids so I'm excited. And the best part is that I get to start immediately :) Yay.
Now I gotta run because I have a doctor's appointment. I bet it doesn't surprise anyone that I hurt my wrist yesterday... I fell on it at practice and it's all swollen and gross and hurts. Soo, hopefully it's nothing serious. I don't think it is, but it doesn't hurt to check it just in case. I'm just annoyed because I was really motivated about working out and now I can't really do anything besides running. Haha. Oh well, when life gives you lemons make lemonade. Right?
Anyways, now I gotta run! I'll post later on tonight of what the doctor said. Keep your fingers crossed, that I'll be fine in like tomorrow (please).

Monday, April 8, 2013

Friday night

Soooooo last Friday we celebrated Julle turning 18 and becoming an adult, whoop whoop! As I said yesterday I had so much fun. I danced for hours with my friends and got to know some others way better. Of course there was some drama at the end of night, there always is... But I hope Julle wasn't bothered and had an amazing night!
Here are some pictures I stole from Sofie's and Josso's blogs. Thank yooooou! 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Goodbye Spring

Haha. I mean last week was amazing weather wise sooooo it was pretty devastating when it started snowing this morning. Snow in April???? So sad, but that's Finland for y'all. Oh well, like my Dad always says to comfort me "the new snow kills the old".

Friday was so much fun, but I'll tell more about that when I've stolen some pics from fb, and when I'm actually on my laptop instead of my phone....
Today we had a game which we lost by 2 points :( after the game some of my teammates drove to Uusikaupunki to visit our other teammate Venla. She turned 16 yesterday and we had baked her a cute cake! Haha, hopefully she liked it.
Now I gotta study for my final test this testweek. So not excited. But SO EXCITED to have my best friend back in less then 5 days <3

Friday, April 5, 2013


Heeeey, I'm just stopping by super quick! I just came home from practice and now I'm in a hurry to get ready for Julle's party. She's turning 18 today! Whoop, congrats love! The party had already started and I'm fashionable late as usual. Here's the party outfit for tonight. Thank you Jassi (you're the best lifesaver eveeeeer) for borrowing the gorgeous dress! I'm excited to wear it.
I'm gonna try to get some pictures from tonight, but as usual I'm not promising anything. Haha!
Have a great Friday night! xx

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Yummy, yummy, yummy I got food in my tummy

Soooo I made the best lunch today. It's the easiest to make and it tastes so good! My friends always make it and so I've kinda started eating it (a lot) too. We call it fetapestopasta. Haha.

All you need is cherry tomatoes, chopped onions, pasta (whatever kind you prefer), feta cheese and pesto. You can use either green or red pesto, I chose the red kind for today.  You can add chicken or whatever you want, but I sticked to the vegetarian style.

What to do is that you start by boiling the pasta. When you've done that you just add the feta cheese and pesto and mix it all together. After that you just add the onions, garlic if you like it and the cherry tomatoes, and voilà! Lunch/Dinner is served. Super easy and sooooooo delicious. Haha. 

Sorry for the ugly plate haha! All the other ones were in the dish washer. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What my Wednesday consists of

I've had like two energy drinks. I know they're super unhealthy and I dislike them anyhow, but I've been so tired today that I really needed to get my full attention for my government exam tomorrow! Not sure if two was a good idea, I'm all jittery and probably won't get any sleep for a long time. Oh well, I'll just spend it studying!

Hope is never light years away

You know what always makes me feel silly (when I have those moments of feeling like my life is awful) watching the movie Soul Surfer. It's definitely one of the most saddest and happiest movies. The way something so awful can happen to a person and they can still manage to make the the best of it and embrace all the new that comes along. It's just crazy. I just found out that I didn't get the jobs I had interviews for, but something else came up and I took it (not for sure yet). It might not have been all that I wanted, but maybe it will lead to something that I wouldn't have had if I had gotten one of the other jobs. I need to think like that because another setback is not an option for me anymore. March was one of those "boohoo my life sucks" months and I won't let April go in the same direction. Because whether or not you realize it, things could be so much worse.

Now I need to get back to studying, but I just wanted to keep you readers posted! Later on I'm gonna go to body combat and punch and kick all my bad feelings away... My favorite instructor is back from her vacation and I know she's gonna make me work as hard as I can and more. And I'll also have a much needed massage appointment tonight with the best masseuse/therapist. Killing two birds with one stone.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Both funny and annoying

Soooooo today at the gym I really noticed something that I thought was both annoying and funny. While I was stretching this older lady came in and started warming up, and what I thought was funny was that she had done her makeup like she was going out to a fancy dinner. I mean she was even wearing hot pink lipstick and she had curled her hair. It just bothered me because she was trying to give this impression of how fit she was. I started observing her because she was just so funny looking at a gym, and what really annoyed me was that she did maybe like 5 arm curls and took a break.
In my opinion you need to give 100% always and it seemed like this lady was just there to show off herself.
Another thing that really bothers me is the pictures people post on instagram of them working out. I mean I've added pictures here and on IG, but it's not pictures of me in a sport bra putting hashtags saying that I just finished a workout. Half of these girls look like they've just finished doing their makeup on their way to a party, without any sweat stains on their sports bra and their hair is perfect. I mean I look awful after a workout, I'm sweaty, my hair is gross and my face is as red as a firetruck. It just doesn't seam authentic, it's like they never even worked out. But if they really do look like that after a hard workout then I'm definitely jealous of them! Haha, because I look so gross....

The goal for April

Monday, April 1, 2013

April Fool's day

Heeeeeey people! Last day of easter break (boo). Hmmm, so last night kinda sucked. We had planned on going to this club called forte, but they had changed their age limit to 20 and the line into the bar was insane! I heard someone say that it might take an hour to get in so we didn't even try. Instead we went to this club called vegas and let me just tell you that it was my first and last time going there. I didn't enjoy myself at all. The music was old and there was way too crowded. Not drinking while everyone else are pretty much wasted around you, pushing and accidentally hitting you. Yeaaaah, not so fun. So Jonna and I left pretty early.

Anyway, have y'all tried pranking anyone today? I haven't and I don't think I will. So since it's April and March really wasn't the greatest for me... I'm making this month go great! And because I ate way too much crappy stuff in March, April will be different. I'm going to skip all the sweet stuff like candy, cookies, ice-cream and baked goods. No chips either or anything else salty. If I slip I'm not going to start hate myself though because that usually just makes me feel bad and crave for more good stuff.
I'm gonna call April: ABS APRIL. In my workouts I'm going to focus on my stomach. I mean I'm going to focus on everything, but especially my stomach.
I found this little calender for April, including some exercises for each day and I've decided to do them every morning when I wake up. It's not much, but it's a good way to start the day in the right the direction!!
Now I need to get back to my studies. I hope y'all are enjoying your last day off more then me.